Sunday, December 20, 2009

My adventure into yoga and Bhakti Yoga Studio's Mysore One Month Experience

About 3 weeks ago I started Ashtanga yoga in the Mystore style classes at the Bhakti Yoga Studio at 288 Marion Street. It has been wonderful. It's taking me exactly into the realm that I want to go: de-stressing relaxation, exercise and thinking in a better philosophical space. It's not hot yoga - which personally I couldn't take the heat. But if I remember correctly the idea is to create inner heat to rid my body of toxins - and as my friends, you'll know that there are a few of those. If time permitted I would increase my practices but so far it has just been on Saturday mornings, and Tasha has accompanied me for most of them. A nice father-daughter joint experience! We bought a 12 pass for $120 as I recall, so quite reasonable. I noticed though that they have an activity coming in January to raise the awareness in Winnipeg of Ashtanga yoga in the traditional Mysore style and I thought some of you might be interested in that. Sounds to me like a good way to try it out, or you could invest less time as I have. The less time meanss it will take me longer to master - but I have the rest of my life to learn and I'm hoping to be around for quite a while. If you want to learn more, here is the article from their website, and you can also get more information about the Bhakti Yoga Studio and what it has to offer on their website at .

Mysore One Month Experience

An invitation to welcome the New Year with new knowledge and awareness. To all yoga students, aspiring or experienced who are new to Mysore style classes, we are extending an invitation for you to come and learn the methods of Ashtanga yoga in the traditional Mysore style.

In Mysore style classes, each student is addressed individually by the teacher and taught the sequence of poses, how to breath fully, and other methods for calming and focusing the mind. Students learn through practice, repetition, and remembering what they are taught. Anyone can learn yoga in a Mysore class. No experience required. It is easy to learn and offers many benefits. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health are all imporved through regular and consistent practice.

Developing a practice is a process which can come about in one way only. By practicing! There is nothing advanced about a Mysore class, beginners are welcome. Students with more developed practices, who may be practicing more advanced postures and techniques began with no pracitce themselves. They learned little by little. Anything is possible if you practice. Go to the FAQ link for more information about Mysore style.

We are not promoting a competition over 30 consecutive days but, are inviting you to set the intention to come and practice yoga regularly over a month and see for yourself what the potentials of a regular practice are. We are encouraging students to attend Mysore practice 3-5 days each week over the period of one month. There are also classes on the weekend which Mysore program students may attend. They are led classes where the teacher counts, breath by breath, through the postures and movements of either the full Primary Series or the first half of the Primary Series in a steady and rhythmic flow. All are encouraged to attend one of these weekend classes each week.

Regular practice works slowly, drop by drop, moving one toward consistency and balance in all ways.

The Mysore Program classes are Monday to Friday mornings from 6:30am to 9:30am, Monday and Wednesday evenings from 5:00pm to 6:45pm, Friday evening from 5:30pm to 7:15pm, and Saturday morning from 9:30am to 12:15pm. A led 1/2 Primary Series class will be held Saturdays at 12:30 to 1:45pm. Bhakti Yoga Studio Mysore Program pass is valid for all of these classes. It is not valid for any other classes listed on the schedule. Begin anytime in January and pay only $100 for a one month Mysore pass.

There are two other studios in Winnipeg where you can learn Ashtanga yoga in the traditional Mysore format. We are all participating in the Mysore One Month Experience.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture

I interrupted the main book I’ve been reading lately (Cryptonomicon) to read “Uncle Petros and Goldbach’s Conjecture”. It is by Apostolos Doxiadis, translated from Greek by the author. The author is a mathematician and the subject matter is the struggle of a mathematician, Uncle Petros, to prove an unproven proposition – Goldbach’s Conjecture – viz. according to the author, every even number greater than 2 is the sum of two prime numbers. It seems though that the real Goldbach conjecture, written in 1742 states "that every number that is greater than 2 is the sum of three primes". Maybe something got lost in Doxiadis’ translation, or he just included this as part of this fiction? It was a delightful light read, most interesting, and a wonderful diversion. Ok, I have to admit too that the fact the author was Greek (a major part of my ethnic heritage) and the subject matter was mathematics (my original post-secondary academic love) drew me to this book. I was also intrigued by the staircase design on the cover which was drawn in a depiction of what I’ve normally seen fractals represented as. There are two levels to the story.

First, there is the mathematics. Not the number crunching, calculation type of math. It’s described in the book as grocery bill math. Neither is it the equational type of math you think of in algebra or calculus. Rather it is about types of math, whether it be logic, universal algebra, number theory, etc. being used as tools to solve complex mathematical hypotheses. So in a sense it is what I would describe as meta-math – math about math. It really is looking at it from a different level. That really stretched my mind because my studies never got to that level. I was still back at the learning the tools stage: calculus, logic, set theory, modern geometry, universal algebra, etc. Would have been fun to get to that next stage!

The second level is the human story of the quest of Uncle Petros. He works hard. He makes the mistake of not sharing his intermediate results which would have been considered ground breaking and worthy of notable publication. He seems on the verge of solving it. But then he gets negative feedback from well placed colleagues. He retires to the family property in Greece, shunning the scientific world. He interacts with a nephew who Uncle Petros tries to dissuade from becoming a mathematician. That eventually succeeds and the nephew studies business, after doing an initial degree in math. Later he draws out his uncle, who we are lead to believe discovers the solution, but dies of a stroke before the proof is documented. Tragic. Some side stories of family relations. I really felt the Greek family celebrations. Touching stories too of two brothers of Uncle Petros who run the family business and support Uncle Petros financially. Should one pursue one’s dreams? Should one be practical and support one-self? Should he have given up on the basis that the Conjecture was unproveable, or persevered?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

General Rick Hillier’s Talk on “Managing Risk in Turbulent Times”

At a breakfast this morning sponsored by Gowling’s, General Rick Hillier, a consultant to that firm, and former Chief of Canada’s Defence Staff, spoke on “Managing Risk in Turbulent Times”. Most of the talk really related to leadership. He is a very rousing and dynamic speaker, but not as militaristic as one might assume. And I think that was part of the message. To be a leader you really need to pay attention to the human side; to relationships.

As for risk management, he talked of deciding is something is worth the risks, if you are going to do something. That’s trite, but I wonder if we do this as often as we should. Seems to me that in whatever we are deciding, we often make the decision to forge ahead based on whether we think it is a good idea. We want that desired result to increase revenue, decrease expenses, gain market share, etc. But have we really thought about the risks of doing it, and I would suggest just as importantly the risks of not doing it. Bottom line: more expansive thought should go into decision making.

But back to General Hillier’s remarks: He told of a situation in which he and his wife, and a lot of troops, were travelling in a new transport to the Canadian military. Big sucker! They were coming into Afghanistan. The aircraft, despite its size, is designed to come in quickly for a landing. Not a long, slow glide so that it will be a target for group launched rockets. So it goes from 27,000 feet to 1200 feet in about 1 minute 30 seconds. He said quite a sensation. He was a little worried because the US Major piloting the plane looked like he hadn’t started shaving yet. During the descent his wife screamed “We’re going down.”’ His response was: yes, we’re going down but it’s a controlled descent. “controlled descent”! Good analogy to our sometimes engage in dramatic changes, but hopefully being mindful that we should be in control as they proceed. Another way to manage risk.

He had a saying: no (something), no fads. Sorry, but I can’t remember what “(something)” was – it was an early morning after a wonderful evening of a dinner with Stikeman Elliott. The concept was though that one should avoid preconceptions and the “flavour du jour”. He told the story of an Inuit soldier who was 4 foot 6, but was the best in training soldiers in the Arctic. He could do amazing things. But on seeing his size you would assume that he could not do big things. One story was about how he talked a polar bear out of their camp. The same applied to the above story of the pilot. Don’t assume because of his youth that he was unable to execute the ability to control and expedite a landing which had all the potential for disastrous results. The “fads” part spoke so much to me. In management literature we see so much of this. When you really get to the bottom of it, a lot is fads, or repackaged basic principles that we’ve read about before.

But it was General Hillier’s connection with his people that spoke the most to me. He talked of his knowledge of his operational staff but also of the injured and their families. He had met them. He had taken the time to talk to them. He had done little things for them, that meant so much to them. He had grieved with the families of those who had given their lives. He helped a widow carry on the work that her husband, a medic, whose nickname was Boomer, had done with the people of Afghanistan. The work was often with children to help to prolong their lives. The rates of child mortality are high. Part of it was a very touching story of toques which were knitted for the kids to wear to prevent the loss of body heat. Apparently this is a real problem which leads to many unnecessary deaths. The widow arranged for Canadians to knits thousands of these toques, which are called “Boomers”, and the General facilitated their distribution. Not something you would think a busy General would have time to do. But it was important to him. And I think an important element of his leadership.

He has a book coming out October 24 and apparently the pre-orders are sold out, and it is like #5 on’s best pre-sellers list. Based on what I heard, it could very well be an interesting read. At a breakfast this morning sponsored by Gowling’s, General Rick Hillier, a consultant to that firm, and former Chief of Canada’s Defence Staff, spoke on “Managing Risk in Turbulent Times”. Most of the talk really related to leadership. He is a very rousing and dynamic speaker, but not as militaristic as one might assume. And I think that was part of the message. To be a leader you really need to pay attention to the human side; to relationships.

As for risk management, he talked of deciding if something is worth the risks, if you are going to do something. That’s trite, but I wonder if we do this as often as we should. Seems to me that in whatever we are deciding, we often make the decision to forge ahead based on whether we think it is a good idea. We want that desired result to increase revenue, decrease expenses, gain market share, etc. But have we really thought about the risks of doing it, and I would suggest just as importantly the risks of not doing it. Bottom line: more expansive thought should go into decision making.

But back to General Hillier’s remarks: He told of a situation in which he and his wife, and a lot of troops, were travelling in a new transport to the Canadian military. Big sucker of an airplane! They were coming into Afghanistan. The aircraft, despite its size, is designed to come in quickly for a landing. Not a long, slow glide so that it will be a target for ground launched rockets. So it goes from 27,000 feet to 1200 feet in about 1 minute 30 seconds. He said quite a sensation. He was a little worried because the US Major piloting the plane looked like he hadn’t started shaving yet. During the descent his wife screamed “We’re going down.”’ His response was: yes, we’re going down but it’s a controlled descent. “controlled descent”! Good analogy to our sometimes being engaged in dramatic changes, but hopefully being mindful that we should be in control as they proceed. Another way to manage risk.

He had a saying: no (something), no fads. Sorry, but I can’t remember what “(something)” was – it was an early morning after a wonderful evening of a dinner with Stikeman Elliott. The concept was though that one should avoid preconceptions and the “flavour du jour”. He told the story of an Inuit soldier who was 4 foot 6, but was the best in training soldiers in the Arctic. He could do amazing things. But on seeing his size you would assume that he could not do big things. One story was about how he talked a polar bear out of their camp. The same applied to the above story of the pilot. Don’t assume because of his youth that he was unable to execute the ability to control and expedite a landing which had all the potential for disastrous results. The “fads” part spoke so much to me. In management literature we see so much of this. When you really get to the bottom of it a lot is fads are repackaged basic principles that we’ve read about before.

But it was General Hillier’s connection with his people that spoke the most to me. He talked of his knowledge of his operational staff but also of the injured and their families. He had met them. He had taken the time to talk to them. He had done little things for them, that meant so much to them. He had grieved with the families of those who had given their lives. He helped a widow carry on the work that her husband, a medic, whose nickname was Boomer, had done with the people of Afghanistan. The work was often with children to help to prolong their lives. The rates of child mortality are high. Part of it was a very touching story of toques which were knitted for the kids to wear to prevent the loss of body heat. Apparently this is a real problem which leads to many unnecessary deaths. The widow of the Canadian soldier arranged for Canadians to knit thousands of these toques, which are called “Boomers”, and the General facilitated their distribution. Not something you would think a busy General would have time to do. But it was important to him. And I think an important element of his leadership.

He has a book coming out October 24 and apparently the pre-orders are sold out, and it is like #5 on’s best pre-sellers list. Based on what I heard, it could very well be an interesting read.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Luncheon Speaker - Doris Kearns Goodwin on "Team of Rivals"

Very interesting luncheon speaker at the conference today. She is Doris Kearns Goodwin, a historian and Pulitzer Prize winning author. I haven’t read any of her books, but she was speaking today on her book, Team of Rivals – the story of Abraham Lincoln.

She had spent 5 years I think it was pouring through letters and diaries to come up with a fascinating work, about an extraordinary man. She bemoaned the fact that in our age of electronic communications, such sources as she used will not be available. Is anyone keeping the electronic media of great people?

She told fascinating stories of Lincoln’s leadership, how he got the Republican (I guess that was before that party got a bad name!) nomination for president (he beat the clear favourite, who was so confident he spent the 9 months before the nomination travelling Europe, on the third ballot; how he brought his fiercest opponents into his cabinet, even listened to them, but once he decided they had to fall into line (e.g. when he decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation there would be no more debate on whether it would be issued, but he would hear them on timing and implementation matters); how notwithstanding being treated rudely by some of these opponents he took the high road (e.g. forgiving them or not stooping to the same level of politics) [wouldn’t that be refreshing in 21st century politics!]; if someone was not doing their job how he would create an imaginary line (of time) by which if they did not do it they would be fired (he did this with a general during the Civil War); and his great ability for story telling (which I think is a great way to mentor and instil values).

But alas the book is way too long (900 pages) to keep my attention – my jaws would get way too sore from sounding out all those words! So once again I passed up buying a book at this convention (the last one was by the physicist who spoke on string theory) and having the author sign it. But come to think of that length, my current read is Crytonomicon, which is about 1000 pages – but it’s math, not history. More on that though when I finish it.

Going to Boston October 18, 2009 for Association of Corporate Counsel Annual Meeting

I'm on my way to Boston for a conference of the Association of Corporate Counsel, an international association based in USA. The prospect of spending 3 days with about 3500 in-house counsel doesn't really appeal to me, except that the education sessions are fantastic. Definitely in the top couple of what I have experienced. Not only do they concentrate on what is important to general counsel, but they also recognize that general counsel often have responsibilities as corporate secretaries. So lots of sessions on that too. The most interesting title of one session I attended a couple of years ago was "The Care and Feeding of your Board of Directors". How true - definitly a relationship side to those things, not just the formal support. Have to admit that there are a few counsel who I enjoy seeing. Not sure of the luncheon speakers this year. At my first such conference there was a top USA physicist who spoke on string theory. Was fantastic! I even understood it, given his approach and slides. However 30 minutes later if I tried to explain it, I'm sure I turned into a babbling idiot! First trip to Boston, so I'm looking forward to that too.

LEAF, Manitoba Chapter, Person's Day Breakfast, October 16, 2009

Attended the LEAF Annual Person’s Day Breakfast this morning. Was very well attended at about 1000. Yah! Prof. Kathleen Mahoney spoke. When I’ve thought of equality I’ve always considered it meant that you had to treat people the same. But she said, sometimes you have to treat people differently, presumably not to discriminate against them. That really spoke to me. Treat people differently, to treat them the same. Makes sense if you consider a pregnant woman in the workplace. You may have to treat her differently in order to get her to the same point as you would treat a man. Then former AFN Chief Phil Fontaine spoke. He spoke of the residential school situation. When I grew up in Brandon I attended the United Church and a number of the children (probably aged 6-16) attended from the Indian Residential School. They were tremendously bad behaved. Would never sit still. Would run all over the place. We always thought that they were just badly behaved. After listening to Chief Fontaine I had a new perspective – maybe they were just acting out because of how they were being treated at the Indian Residential School, or because they had been forced away from their family and were being forced to assimilate into “white” society. Put it in a whole different light. Maybe we should be more tolerant of bad situations and try to understand the causes rather than jump to conclusions about the obvious.

A friend had commented to me: Both speeches were very absolutely inspiring! I was impressed with Phil Fontaine's message about balance and his increible presence as a healer. The LEAF breakfasts are always thought provoking!

I too was impressed with Phil Fontaine's message and his delivery. She hit it right on the head in describing him as a healer. I previously had the idea from media reports over the years that he was more militant. However that was certainly not the message he portrayed at the breakfast. I also like how he talked about the good things that were done by some Indian Residential Schools. I had no idea about that. Should I have read more, or was it just not reported? I hope it is not a cop out, but I am of the view that sometimes the media publishes the extreme points in order to garner interest in buying papers, watching tv news reports, etc. That unfortunately leaves the positive parts of the story out.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cottage Closing / Being Marooned Adventure

Arrived Friday (October 9) 630 pm at our wee cottage in the woods ( 20 min drive NE of Town of Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba). It was going to -7 C. so had to go out to the cottage to protect the water pipes. Cottage is not insulated, has 2 area heaters and a wood stove. So it's basically like heating a tent. Made my notes for my Facebook posts with pencil as pen ink was not fluid! Got the cottage warmed by 930 after Tasha made cookies so the heat of the stove would help to heat cottage. Such a nice thing to a mid-teen daughter to do.Overnight it would likely be not bad if someone got up to re-stock the wood stove. Didn't happen. Tasha is in a contained room with a space heater. No way she'll leave that warmth! We're in the open loft - it's an "A" frame cottage. My strategy was to drink enough wine that I would sleep through the night and not notice the cold. So it was indeed cold Saturday morning. One final note - the only way to survive this cold is for me to cover my head while I sleep. I brought my bright red Festival du Voyageur toque. Wore it all night. Wendy hates it. Guess I should have brought the yellow toque! Lol. Her parting comment as I drifted off was that I'd be hearing from her solicitor. Struck me that that would mean I would be talking to myself!By Saturday at 11 am there was at least 20 cm of heavy wet snow on the ground and it was still coming down. No one had been down the road by the cottage yet. At least we're safe. But won't have enough wine! So much for closing the cottage and getting back to Winnipeg today!

We could have waited out the storm, but hadn't brought any books to read as I thought I would just be in and out to do the closing. Still snowing Saturday late afternoon. I did do some of the outside closing jobs. Not sure why I am punishing myself! The electricity is blinking on and off a bit. Where are those Cdn Forces helicopters that make unscheduled stops for burgers when you want one? I'm in the mood for a delivered pizza and red wine to enjoy in front of the wood stove!

By the end of Saturday afternoon I finished all the outside jobs I'm going to do. Still snowing Saturday evening. 16 inches so far. Went for a walk and took shortcut through the woods. Snow up to my knees in lots of places.

Sunday at about midnight the hydro went out. Didn’t get restored till a bout 8:45 am. So much for the space heaters helping. Wendy and I took turns replenishing the wood stove. Wasn’t too bad but we didn’t feel very rested on Sunday. But it stopped snowing overnight. Some of the trees had snapped from the weight of the wet snow.

As I went out to shovel the driveway so that we could escape this madness, I thought that it was such a strange sight to see the deciduous trees still with their green leaves, but all around the trees was this thick blanket of white snow. Good news though: I won’t have to rake leaves at the cottage this fall. Bad news: they’ll be there in the spring. My best optimistic estimate is that given our last seasons in Manitoba, spring will likely come in July, 2010!!!

Got the driveway shovelled. Not much fun given how wet and heavy the snow was. Then we all finished the closing jobs. Left for home about 1 ish. Worst part was getting out of the development. There were just 2 tracks down the road, but there had been enough warmth so that those tracks were actually down to mud – it’s a gravel road. Came to the end of the avenue the cottage is on and was going to take a run through the piled up snow to get onto the main road, and then noticed that there was a fire truck with its emergency lights on coming down the road. They actually stopped and waved me through. Had to back up by then and take a run at it. It worked. Not sure what the fire truck was doing. Maybe packing down the snow so people could drive, at least until the municipal plows get out.

When we got on the highway we saw that the snow plows had been down and there had been enough warmth that the highway was bare. What a relief! As we drove towards Lac du Bonnet, and were about 10 km from the cottage as the crow flies, there was hardly any snow. No evidence of the road needing to be plowed. And as we got to Lac du Bonnet there was even less evidence of snow. Wendy was so right when she said it was like we had stepped out of winter, and into fall. So why us???? Why did we have to be on the other side of the bad weather!

Arrived home safely about 3:30 pm.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Prodding Families into Divorce & Taking a Life Every 30 Minutes

Another great article in the New York Times by Nicholas Kristof. It is a sobering story supporting why there should be health care reform in the U.S.A. Here are some points from it. Kristof points out that the critics of health care reform argue that it would undermine American family values, not least by convening the Palinist expressed death panels. I wish the negative argument would stick to logic rather than emotional fear mongering. Kristof tells the story of a married woman whose husband is diagnosed with dementia. Upon considering the financial toll of what is to come she is advised to divorce her husband. Unless she does so the expenses will whittle away their combined assets, and then her husband can go on Medicaid – but by then their children’s inheritance would be gone, as would her retirement savings. She would be left with a bleak retirement with neither her husband nor her savings. Also for 5 years after any divorce, under U.S.A. law her assets could be seized – precisely because the government knows that people sometimes divorce spouses to escape their medical bills. Then he sets out the statistics – 62% of American bankruptcies are linked to medical bills. This has increased nearly 50% in just 6 years. But get this – 78% of these people actually had health insurance, but the gaps and inadequacies left them unprotected. The lack of health insurance causes 18,000 unnecessary deaths a year. That’s one person slipping through the cracks and dying every half an hour. This article is very much worth your reading. It can be found at

Saturday, August 29, 2009

To recover from U.S.A. health reform malaise, take a dose of Canada Health Act

I am absolutely amazed that the American health care reform is bogged down in partisan politics. It doesn’t hurt for us Canadians to be reminded of the underpinnings of our system as we watch this inertia south of us. With respect to the U.S.A., it seems to me that in the 21st century it should be recognized by all that health care is a basic human value, just as we have come to recognize freedom of speech, freedom of association, etc. It sounds like there is a lengthy and detailed bill before the legislators. Why not just agree on the principles – which should be fairly straight forward, pass that as law and then implement it, working out the details at that time.

I think that is what happened with health care in Canada. And contrary to what some Republicans and other related interest groups are saying and advertising, the Canadian health care system does work. Why does it work? Because it is based on five principles which sustain its operation, have stood the test of time, are not enshrined as values of the health care system, and mirror the values of Canadians:

First, the provincial and territorial health care plans must be publicly administered – on a non-profit basis by a public authority, which is accountable to the provincial or territorial government. Its records and accounts are publicly audited.

Second, the provincial and territorial health care plans must be comprehensive – i.e. they must cover all insured health services provided by hospitals and physicians.

Third, the provincial and territorial health care plans must be universal – i.e. all residents of a province or territory must be entitled to the insured health services provided by the provincial or territorial health care plan on uniform terms and conditions.

Fourth, the provincial and territorial health care plans must be portable – i.e. residents moving from one province or territory to another within Canada must continue to be covered for insured health services by the area they left during any waiting period (not to exceed three months) imposed by the new area of residence. After the waiting period the new area of residence assumes responsibility for health care coverage.

Fifth, the provincial and territorial health care plans must be accessible – i.e. all persons shall have reasonable access to insured hospital and medical services on uniform terms and conditions, without having to pay user charges or extra-billing and unimpeded by other means (e.g. discrimination on the basis of age, pre-existing conditions or financial circumstances). The provincial and territorial health care plans must provide reasonable compensation to physicians for all the insured health services they provide and provide payment to hospitals to cover the cost of insured health services. Reasonable access in terms of physical availability of medically necessary services means access to insured health services at the setting where the services are provided and as the services are available in that setting.

The Canadian health care system allows for reasonable access to medically necessary hospital and physician services, on the basis of funding by government. It is a national program composed of thirteen provincial and territorial health plans, all of which share certain common features and basic standards of coverage. Based on the provinces and territories fulfilling the basic principles, they receive federal cash contributions to fund their health plans. The provinces and territories are responsible for the management and delivery of the health services.

It just seems so straight forward. People should be able to receive health care without having to worry about mortgaging their homes, or losing coverage when they change jobs or they develop certain medical conditions. I would hope that reason will prevail and the U.S.A. will be able to provide health care similar to what we enjoy in Canada.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

More Illogic in USA Health Care Debate

Paul Krugman is a professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University. In 2008 he won the Nobel Prize in economics for his work on global trade patterns. He wrote an op-ed column in the August 24, 2009 New York Times entitled "All the President's Zombies". You can read the full article at

The article is very interesting from a number of viewpoints. He soundly debunks the value of Reaganomics (the efficient market theory). I had referred to this in my blog "Greed, Lack of Regulation and Innovation Gone Amok". I think it is fairly well accepted given the financial times we have gone through that such approach by Reagan and Thatcher amongst others was ill conceived. Dr. Krugman goes on to compare this to fallacies in the negative side of the debate over the "public option" in USA health care. He argues that we should not consider the public option as it would be a horrible government intervention.

We've just gone through a financial time which has proved that some government intervention is not only useful, but required to curb the misdeeds of some. Would one consider that some health care providers in the USA could use a tune up through some reasonable government regulation? I think not. And it's a small step from there to the government offering a parallel system. For the free marketers - let the consumer decide which one they want to use. Dr. Krugman sets out many cogent arguments and then tries to tackle explaining why these zombie ideas of Reaganomics won't die. An article well worth the read.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

OMG: Rice quoting Bush quoting Nixon

On July 19/09 I had written about Condoleezza Rice explaining what she had done with respect to waterboarding. It was reported that she said “When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal.” Maureen Dowd in writing the article said that this was almost quoting Nixon's logic. Well, I just watched that part of the Frost interview of Nixon dealing with Watergate, and there was no "almost" about it. Nixon said flat out " I'm saying that when the President does it, that means it's not illegal." The blatantness of this absurdity just astounds me! Nixon was bad enough, but haven't they learned anything over the last decades?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Recipe for Scientific Innovation

In the May 12, 2008 issue of The New Yorker, Malcolm Gladwell published an article entitled “In the Air” in the section “Annals of Innovation”. It is a very interesting article and I’d recommend it to you. The full article can be found at:

The article reviews elements of scientific innovation, primarily in three areas:

1. Sometimes we are just not looking hard enough. He gives the example of finding dinosaur bones, and a particular enthusiastic (well-heeled) who found that it wasn’t just that the bones were rare to find, but that there were not enough people looking for them in a systematic way. With the people and the appropriate search methodology there was a significant increase in the discovery of bones.

2. Sometimes the time is just right – and there are actually simultaneous insights of the same thing. He documents the elements around the discovery of the telephone and calculus, by more that one person at the same time. From these examples Gladwell concludes that “scientific discoveries, must, in some sense, be inevitable. They must be in the air, products of the intellectual climate of a specific time and place.” This is where he cites that artistic genius varies. “A work of artistic genius is singular.”

3. Sometimes it just needs a perspective from a different discipline – an interdisciplinary approach; getting out of one’s own silo. He cites an example of some physicians, a physicist and some others considering the following: “someone has a tumor, and the tumor becomes metastatic, and it sheds metastatic cancer cells. How long do those circulate in the bloodstream before they land?” The physicians did not know. Their field encourages qualitative observation and interpretation. “But physicists measure things and compare measurements, and do math to put measurements in context. So the physicist had the advantage of someone looking at a familiar fact with a fresh perspective.” With the calculations done they came up with a cancer-filter idea, and as it turned out there was already a company in another part of the U.S.A. developing such a filter.

Gladwell acknowledges that inventors put in years of preparation before the moment of a great discovery. However “it was impossible to know what unconscious associations triggered his great insight. Invention has its own algorithm: genius, obsession, serendipity, and epiphany in some unknowable combination.” But he cites too that in someone using the first element noted above to the extreme, they too can make discoveries. So he concludes that “maybe the extraordinary process that we thought was necessary for invention – genius, obsession, serendipity, epiphany – wasn’t necessary at all.” Interesting that he doesn’t resolve these two opposing theses.

Gladwell also ties in these elements to some work being done by Nathan Myhrvold with a new venture capital firm in the U.S.A. He has raised a lot of money, hired the brightest of people and engaged them in the magical process of making insights. Appears that with the above three elements they are making some very interesting progress – regrettably not publicly traded.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Playing It Safe in Cancer Research

I recently read an article entitled “Playing it Safe in Cancer Research” published in the June 28, 2009 issue of the New York Times. If you want to read the full article you can find it at:

This article is based on the system in the USA and it would take someone with more knowledge of science than I to compare it to the system in Canada, but it did raise in my mind some fundamental philosophical points.

The subtitle of the article is “Grant Money Goes to Projects Unlikely to Break Much Ground” but it does make the point too that grant money in the USA is often not going to projects that are likely to break much ground. It talks of the grants going to projects which are only likely to produce incremental progress in the fight against cancer. “The reviewers choose such projects because with too little money to finance most proposals, they are timid about taking changes on ones that might not succeed. … projects that could make a major difference in cancer prevention and treatment are all too often crowded out because they are too uncertain.”

The article goes on to refer to big ideas without a backer. In some cases there is a real catch 22: a project is refused funding because there are not even any preliminary results to support it, but of course the researcher cannot come up with the preliminary results without some grant money to get the project started.

Reference is then made to some angels outside the USA government and the American Cancer Society. Some researchers don’t even bother to apply for government money and instead go for grants from some endowments which can support such grants. But regrettably there are not enough of such angels around to support the many projects which are available.

One researcher, who has reviewed grants for the cancer institute herself, is quoted as saying that she realized that, among other things, those that get financed must have a novel hypothesis that is credible based on what we know already. I have found it instructive to live by the principles enunciated by Stephen Covey in his Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, and some of his other works. In some of his foundational principles he talks of significant breakthroughs being breaks with old ways of thinking. Also, it is often the case that significant problems cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. Those principles make good sense to me. I wonder if they apply to medical research. The article does talk of the USA National Institutes of Health setting aside some funds for pioneer awards which are for proposals which are exceptionally innovative, high risk, original and /or unconventional research but with the potential to create or overturn fundamental paradigms. If so, that would support I would think taking some risks and going for projects which might produce real breakthroughs. However risks need to be balanced. So it makes sense to me that chancy experiments with novel hypotheses which may provide real breakthroughs will need to be balanced with something. The something I’m sure involves the “bigger picture” including some consideration of where science is at. I leave it to those more knowledgeable than I to figure out that balance.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Greed, Lack of Regulation & Innovation Gone Amok

In the February 2009 issue of Policy Options, a publication of the Institute for Research in Public Policy, there was an article by Rodrigue Tremblay entitled “How American Politicians and Bankers Built a Financial Debt House of Cards.” It is a very good description of how the financial crisis came about and well worth the read. The full article may be viewed at I have recently read “Fool’s Gold” by Gillian Tett, and would also recommend it as a very readable in depth description of JP Morgan in particular, but also about the causes of the financial crisis generally. Just scan the Part and Chapter titles in Dr. Tett’s book and you get the feel of this financial situation: Innovation, Dancing Around the Regulators, Merger Mania, Perversion, Innovation Unleashed, Risky Business, Leveraging Lunacy, Tremors, Disaster, Panic Takes Hold, Bank Run, Bear Blows Up and Free Fall.

What I take from their works is that there should be some accountability. Why wasn’t there adequate disclosure on financials statements? Where was the transparency? Rules did not require it. Why not? Fix the rules. The right thing to do is to be open. Regulators should have been there to require it. Not in their mandate? Then put it in! Even if what was done was not illegal, I’ve of the view that it was unethical. It was a fraud on the investing public. So why haven’t these financiers been held to account? The rest of us have really been such small pawns buffeted by the storms created by these financial innovators. When will they be held them accountable? What about the investors who suffered losses while relying on investment advisors who no doubt had no knowledge of the complexity of these investments? You can hear the advisors now: it’s an investment underwritten by Lehman Brothers; no need to worry about them; they have been around forever; big American firm. Well guess what? Who’s going to cover the losses for those people who relied in good faith on others – albeit the others didn’t know what they were talking about – but arguably it was their job to know?

(For easier reading I’ve included some definitions from Dr. Tett’s book at the end of this piece.)

I agree with the Prof. Tremblay that the answer to why the financial crisis has occurred is to be found in human greed, as well as an unstable pyramid of artificial financial debt instruments. These instruments grew at outstanding rates, fuelled in no small part by the greed of the players. Another element is the fact that these instruments benefitted (sic) from being largely unregulated. Prof. Tremblay describes the causes as “the collapse of public and private basic morality in a very small elite that pushed the exploitation of public institutions to the breaking point.” He further points out that the landscape for this was set by the Americans passing in 1999 the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which amongst other things abolished the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act which had regulated investment banking and established barriers between the various pillars of financial institutions: banks (for personal and investment banking), investment banks including stock brokerages and insurers.

Some has been written about the philosophy, championed by former President Regan and former Prime Minister Thatcher in particular, to leave the market alone as its forces are self balancing and it can control itself. I believe this was referred to as the theory of efficient and rational markets. This theory is that markets, left alone, would act in a mostly rational manner, so a hands-off approach to regulation should be taken. I think that approach has been conclusively laid to rest as bunk when former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan testified on October 24, 2008 that (as reported by Dr. Tett): “ he had made a “mistake” in believing that banks would do what was necessary to protect their shareholders and institutions. That was a flaw in the model … that defines how the world works.” Indeed. There does appear to be some place for reasonable oversight and regulation by government.

Prof. Tremblay beautifully describes it as “the biggest case of financial mismanagement in history. It was the product of two interrelated bubbles: a housing bubble and a financial debt bubble”. We know the housing crisis was a fire fanned by increasing housing prices, low interest rates and in the case of subprime mortgages, very low lending standards. In the case of subprime mortgages there were clearly decisions made by the lenders to lend without even some basic data and/or due diligence. One story describes one class of mortgage, which appears to be not far from the truth, as “ninja”: no income, no job. (Not sure where the “a” comes from, but apparently that’s how the lending was going.)

The subprime mortgage market being motivated by the need to feed the securitization market. The subprime mortgages were bundled into CDOs, and then with the sale of the CDOs the mortgage loans were off the bank’s books. The bankers could ignore the risks of the mortgages as they were selling them as a bundled investment. It became a production line with a heavy emphasis on production. The link between that investment product as bundled, and bundles of bundles, became more complex and remote. This really speaks to it being better to keep things simple, real and understandable. The chance for increased returns drove an acceptance without understanding. Hence the reliance on ratings! But given what happened I don’t see how they could have understood what they were rating. That being the case, what chance did the average investor on Main Street have of understanding what the risks of the investments were?

In a recent speech Canada's Superintendent of Financial Institutions quoted the language Warren Buffet used to describe the issue of understanding: "I read a few prospectuses for residential-mortgage backed securities - mortgages, thousands of mortgages backing them, and then those all tranched into maybe 30 slices. You create a CDO by taking one of the lower tranches of that one and 50 others like it. Now if you're going to understand the CDO, you've got 50 times 300 pages to read, its 15,000. If you take one of the lower tranches of the CDO and take 50 of those and create a CDO squared, you're now up to 750,000 pages to read to undrestand one security. I mean, it can't be done."

Prof Tremblay describes one of the reasons “for such reckless lending was the facility with which subprime lenders could sell their risky mortgages upstream to bigger players, investment banks for example, that undertook to buy them, pool them into mortgage bonds and rechannel them into new financial instrument through a process of aggressive securitization. These new “structured investment vehicles” which fall into the large class of derivative products, came under various names such as “collateralized bond obligations’ or “collateralized debt obligations”. … Thus the asset based security (ABS) was born. … More than $1.5 trillion of these asset-backed financial products were sold, not only in the US, but all over the world.”

This international connection and the extent to which AIG for example had these contracts with counterparties throughout the world is why I believe the U.S.A. could not allow AIG to collapse. To do so would have caused these financial contracts to be unwound with ruinous international financial effect due to the cascading losses and their international reach.

I appreciate the manner in which Prof. Tremblay describes another phase of the crisis, credit default swaps (CDSs); new financial instruments – lack of proper regulation – gambling unrelated to any genuine lending operation. He reminds us that Warren Buffett described CDSs as a true financial weapon of mass destruction. CDSs are bilateral insurance like contracts used to protect against the risk of default on the ABSs. They were not regulated by any government agency. The gambling component arises because only 10% of the CDSs (“covered CDS”) are genuine contracts held by investors who really own ABSs. The other 90% of CDSs (“naked CDS”) are held by speculators who trade CDSs while not owning any ABSs to be protected. Read this as “speculators” = “bad”. A naked CDS is compared by Prof. Tremblay to buying life insurance on the life of someone to whom you are not related, which is illegal because of the potential of obvious abuses. He goes on “it is estimated that the notional value of CDSs outstanding today is about $62 trillion (four times the size of the US economy). This in itself is an indication of how popular the naked CDS innovation was a way to bet on the collapse of the entire asset-backed securities construction. This is also a clear sign that, in a crisis, it would be all but impossible for the issuers of CDSs to meet their financial obligations.”

Enter government bailouts! But as was realized, these bailouts were to settle the financial bets which had gone bad. They did not flow down to Main Street which was having it’s own problems, both in terms of the recession and the portfolios of regular people who were hurt by being in investments which unknown to them were involved in these ABS and CDS.

At JP Morgan Chase, the subprime mortgages were securitized and eventually became credit default swaps. The securitization was a mortgage repacking production line. Determined not to get caught short if default rose any higher it purchased CDSs from other parties, which promised to redeem any default losses on the mortgages bonds JP Morgan Chase would begin selling. Dr. Tett also explains that it wasn’t just a financial debt bubble but also a case of financial innovation going amok and risk models not being accurately used – the classic case of lacking base data and making inappropriate assumptions. The securitized subprime mortgages were pools of debt that were entirely anonymous in the sense that the names and credit histories of the borrowers were not revealed. Investors had to rely on data from the lender itself about the default risks of the borrowers or the judgements of rating agencies. Let me see, the salesman or the raters who were interested in collecting their fees!!! But there was also a lack of data to track mortgage defaults over several business cycles on a nationwide basis. Without that data it was impossible for bankers to know whether defaults tended to be correlated or not, in what circumstances they were isolated to particular regions, and when they might spread nationwide. That meant that they would either have to rely on data from just one region and extrapolate it across America or make even more assumptions than normal about how defaults were correlated. Either way it doesn’t sound to me like good science! So if they could not see a way to track the potential correlation of defaults with any level of confidence, then they could not come up with a precise estimate of the risks of default in a bundle overall. They should have just asked investors to come and roll the dice! But they went ahead anyway and marketed their bundles. As it turned out there was an extensive decline in the housing market on a nationwide basis, increase in mortgage defaults, and the bundles sold turned out not to be as solid as represented.

Prof. Tremblay’s conclusion rings true to me: There have been two parallel banking systems; the traditional one which is regulated and the other being investment banks, hedge funds and the credit derivatives market, which is hardly regulated at all. The worst excesses have taken place in the unregulated sector, where increasingly risky financial innovations have been created, nurtured and sold.

Dr. Tett describes the unbridled greed of some investment bankers, regulators who allowed themselves to be talked out of regulating the innovative products being developed and rating agencies not adequately assessing risk while they were drawing fat profits from the collateralized debt obligation boom. The failure to see the flaws, or was it a failure to care as long as they were hauling down their obscene salaries and bonuses? A lack of oversight, by those running the investment banks (assuming they have some responsibility to act ethically), the markets (although some of them operated outside the regular markets – but there’s a whole argument that they should have been forced to be within the markets), regulators and governments. I’d suggest this supports an argument that instead of a rules based system that allowed these investment bankers to operate under the radar of regulation, there should instead be principles based regulation which can adapt automatically to changes including innovations. Back in 1992ish Felix Rohatyn, a legendary Wall Street figure who worked in corporate finance called derivatives “financial hydrogen bombs, built on personal computers by twenty-six year olds with MBAs”. I think that financial innovation was taken to a level of complexity that was incomprehensible. When the risks came to fruition unforeseen consequences ensued – major global financial crisis. As we’ve gone through periods of various innovations in the financial system, why is it that the innovators, the investment bankers and lawyers supporting them, can make these strange instruments, sell them, make tons of money and then when it blows up, they go off with their money and just start the cycle all over again? When is someone going to put a stop to it and hold them to account?

Money market funds typically raised money from ordinary retail investors of companies which used the funds similar to a bank account, i.e. a place where they could place cash assuming they could always withdraw it, on short notice. Some funds which issued these notes backed them up with assets such as mortgage bonds – which sometimes had become CDOs and were issued by SIVs. These notes carried high credit ratings. In mid-July 2007 however defaults were emerging from the mortgage world and downgrades were starting to be issued by the rating agencies on the mortgage bonds. Then two Bear Stearns funds collapsed, even thought many of the bonds and CDOs that had wreaked havoc at these funds had carried relatively high credit ratings. So investor in the ABCP market grew nervous. The SIV were a classic loss of logic. The SIV raised their funding in the short term commercial paper market meanwhile the assets they were buying would pay over a longer time frame. So by definition a maturity mismatch – if, as was the case, the short term paper market dried up (in fact people not only stopped buying, but in fact were redeeming), there was not money repay the notes on their maturity as it was not possible to redeem the assets which were bought with the original proceeds of the notes, as those assets had later maturities. Panic set in because investors had heard some less than stellar assets had got into the securitization chain and they couldn’t tell where the rot was so they started boycotting all SIVs. So for example the asset back commercial paper market in Canada saw a liquidity problem in people getting paid out upon the maturity of their money market funds. The innovators took the risk that that would happen – likely said there’ll always be money available, don’t worry about the theoretical. Well the theoretical happened, and who suffered? Not the innovators, but the poor investors on Main Street who (and as it also seems their investment advisors) didn’t understand what was really behind the seemingly safe money market funds they were purchasing.

So what motivated banks to get into this such innovations? The Basel Accord was an internationally accepted regulation which specified an amount of capital banks were required to keep on their books in relation to the amount of loans they had written. Specifically banks were required to keep $8 in reserve for every $100 of loans. If there were fewer loans on their books, then they could reduce their reserves and do other things with that capital – like make more loans, buy other institutions, etc. So the banks used these innovations to move large volumes of credit risk off their books in what they thoughts was a brilliant way to get around the Basel rules.

Dr. Tett described that in 2004 many large U.S.A. brokerages increased their CDO machines. They did “realize that super-senior risk was becoming like the toxic by-product of a chemical experiment or waste from a nuclear reactor. But they could find no good solution to the problem, and they weren’t willing to switch off their CDO machines.” Read this as the need to maintain strong profitability, and the consequence of feeding their stratospheric salaries and bonuses. Citigroup continued to ramp up its output of CDOs, but unlike the brokerages as a bank it could not put unlimited quantities of super-senior on its balance sheet, since the regulators required its leverage limit to keep assets below twenty times the value of their equity. “Citi decided to circumvent that rule by placing large volumes of its super-senior in an extensive network of SIVs and other off-balance-sheet vehicles that it created. The SIVs were not always eager to buy the risk, so Citi began throwing in a type of ‘buyback” sweetener: it promised that if the SIVs ever ran into problems with the super-senior notes, Citi itself would buy them back.” Do you expect that this guarantee found its way onto Citi’s balance sheet? Not likely – and hence the problem. Without this transparency there was not a true accounting for the risks that Citi, and the others who did this, were facing. Dr. Tett reports that in April, 2007 it was far from sure that the regulators, or even the bankers, really knew what risks were building up. The SIVs did not appear on the bank’s balance sheets because generally accepted accounting principles did not require it.

Dr. Tett quoted Andrew Feldstein, a U.S.A. financier: “The essential question is what in tarnation led market participants to overoriginate subprime mortgages at increasingly silly terms and then warp credit derivative technology into synthetic CDO of ABS when the supply of real mortgages was insufficient to satisfy demand.” Indeed! Could it perhaps have been greed??? Our understanding of this has all has unravelled in hindsight. What chance do investors have of knowing this sort of thing as it is developing? If we cannot, and my thesis is that we cannot, then what should we be investing in?

Definitions from Dr. Tett’s book:

Asset back commercial paper (ABCP) – a short-term security that commonly lasts between overnight and 180 days. It is typically issued by a bank or other financial institution, backed by physical assets such as trade receivable, commercial loans, or holdings of bonds.

Asset back security (ABS) – a security that is backed by a portfolio of assets or cash flows from assets that are normally placed in a specially designated vehicle. The assets often (but no always) are loans.

Collateralized debt obligation (CDO) – a form of asset-backed security: they are typically created by bundling together a portfolio of fixed-income debt (such as bonds) and using those assets to back the issuance of notes. Cash CDOs are created from tangible bonds, bonds, or other debt; synthetic CDOs are created from credit derivatives.

Credit default swap (CDS) – a contract between two parties, where the buyer pays a regular fee to the seller in exchange for a guarantee that he will be compensated in the case of any default on a stipulated piece of debt. CDS are similar to insurance in some senses, but they are not regulated in the same manner, can be freely traded, and can be struck even if the buyer does not own the debt he wishes to “insure”.

Credit Derivative – a bilateral contract between a buyer and seller whose value derives from the credit risk attached to an underlying bond, loan or other financial asset. Typically, they are designed to compensate one party if that underlying asset goes into default. CDS are one form of credit derivatives, but not the only one.

Derivative – a financial instrument whose value derives from an underlying asset, most normally commodities, bonds, equities or currencies.

Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) – a shell company that is created to hold a portfolio of assets, such as bonds or derivatives contracts, and then issue securities backed by those assets. It may be created by a bank, but is a separate legal entity.

Structured Investment Vehicle (SIV) – an entity that operates in a manner similar to a conduit but does not enjoy complete credit support forma bank, and has external equity investors who bear the first risk of losses.

Sub-prime mortgages – those mortgages which did not conform to the high credit standards imposed by U.S.A. federal government backed housing giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. E.g. borrowers with bad credit history.

Super-senior risk – the most senior part of the capital structure of a CDO, which is the least exposed to the risk of default.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Invisibility of Poverty

In the Book Review in the June 21, 2009 issue of the New York Times, Maurice Isserman wrote the Essay section, entitled “Warrior on Poverty”, in which he wrote about Michael Harrington. It brought to mind the advertisements run by the Salvation Army during December, 2008 (see below).

Prof. Isserman wrote that in the late 60’s Harrington wrote that nearly a third of the U.S.A. population lived below the poverty line. Unfortunately I suspect that we haven’t made much significant progress since then. Harrington talked of a “culture of poverty” in which poverty was not just an absence of resources but was a culture of its own, another “nation” within the U.S.A., with its own way of life. I don’t see that we’ve made much progress since then. Particularly during these trying economic times I see the situation being exasperated. Harrington further wrote that poverty was an “invisible land” that is “not simply neglected and forgotten … What is much worse, they are not seen.” I ascribe to the social compact theory of the formation of society (enunciated by philosophers such as John Locke, William Blackstone, David Hume and Thomas Hobbes), that peoples banded together to do as a group what each was unable to do individually. Typically this would be works engaged by government. So collectively we can provide an education system, whereas individually we each would unlikely have the wherewithal to do that. I think we need to recognize that poverty is one of those elements of life which cannot be addressed individually, but takes us collectively as a society to take care of. So where is government in addressing the causes of poverty? It is noble that as a society we have the Salvation Army, food banks, organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, and charitable organizations which provide relief for the effects of homelessness, hunger and poverty. They see past the invisibility of poverty. But that is truly addressing the “effects”. What we need is coordinated action to address the “causes”. I think that falls to the responsibility of government given the magnitude of the causes and the resources that are needed to address it. As I read the Essay I was reminded of the Salvation Army ads and video (see below) which so poignantly presented the invisibility of poverty and challenged us to step up and do something about it.

Here is part of the Essay:

If there is a heaven, and it has a place for virtuous skeptics, I imagine Michael Harrington is looking down, amused by the recent cover of Newsweek proclaiming, “We Are All Socialists Now,” not to mention Newt Gingrich's lament that the United States is seeing “European socialism transplanted to Washington.” Back in the 1960s, Harrington had some experience trying to “transplant” some socialist ideas to Washington — and the results were rather different from what he had hoped.

Fifty years ago this July, Commentary magazine (at the time a journal of bracingly liberal sentiments) ran Harrington’s article “Our Fifty Million Poor,” in which he sought to overturn the conventional wisdom that the United States had become an overwhelmingly middle-class society. Using the poverty-line benchmark of a $3,000 annual income for a family of four, he demonstrated that nearly a third of the population lived “below those standards which we have been taught to regard as the decent minimums for food, housing, clothing and health.”

Harrington’s own knowledge of poverty was decidedly secondhand. Born in 1928 in St. Louis and educated at Holy Cross,
Yale Law School and the University of Chicago, he moved to New York City in 1949 to become a writer. In 1951 he joined Dorothy Day's Catholic Worker movement as a volunteer at its soup kitchen. Within a few years he left the Catholic Worker (and the Roman Catholic Church) and joined the Young People’s Socialist League, the youth affiliate of the battered remnants of the American Socialist Party.

In researching the Commentary essay, Harrington picked up the notion of the “culture of poverty,” a casual bit of intellectual borrowing with fateful consequences. The phrase was coined by the anthropologist Oscar Lewis, who contended that being poor was not simply a condition marked by the absence of wealth; rather, poverty created “a subculture of its own,” and those raised within it were unlikely to escape. However different their places of origin, he argued, poor people in Mexico might have more in common with their counterparts in New York than with better-off people from their own countries.

Echoing Lewis, Harrington argued that American poverty constituted “a separate culture, another nation, with its own way of life.” He elaborated on this idea in “The Other America: Poverty in the United States,” published in the spring of 1962. It was a short work with a simple thesis: poverty was both more extensive and more tenacious than most Americans assumed. An “invisible land” of the poor existed in rural isolation or in crowded slums where middle-class visitors seldom ventured. “That the poor are invisible is one of the most important things about them,” Harrington wrote. “They are not simply neglected and forgotten. . . . What is much worse, they are not seen.”

The full Essay by Prof. Isserman can be read at

When I saw the Salvation Army ads it really highlighted for me how homelessness and poverty is often very invisible to us, and that’s why Prof. Isserman’s Essay touched a chord with me. How many times have we seen the homeless and just carried on about our business? How many times have we kept them in our mind as we consider what we can do, in our personal or professional lives, to help to make them more visible – to help to resolve, and (wouldn’t it be nice) to eliminate the culture of poverty? A big challenge, unquestionably! But worth us all doing our bit as part of this collective we call society, including encouraging our governments to do what they can to address the causes of poverty.

The advertisements run by the Salvation Army can be viewed at

And the Salvation Army’s related video at

Thursday, July 23, 2009

2012 Presidential Debate: Hilary Clinton vs. Sarah Palin

Another one of Maureen Dowd’s articles which I’ve cherished is the one last fall in which she scripted what a 2012 Presidential Debate between Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin would sound like. Dowd had some beautiful turns of phrase, such as declaring that “in ideological terms, the gun-toting hockey mom and the shot-swilling warrior Queen of the Sisterhood of the travelling Pantsuits are opposites.” If McCain had become President and Palin his VP, Dowd surmises that the effect on McCain would be such that he’d “confide in his pal Joe [Biden, I presume] that being a P.O.W. was nothing compared with being trapped in the White House with “that woman”.” The last teaser I’ll leave you with is Dowd’s statement that “It’s delicious imagining the Debate of the Century between Big Mama, as Bill’s male aides called Hillary, and “Hottie Granny”, as People magazine will doubtless dub Sarah.” It really is worth the read. The full article is entitled “Clash of the Titans”, was published in the September 7, 2008 issue of the NY Times, and can be found at

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Is it acceptable to use texting spelling in regular emails?

This is a cartoon by Mike Luckovich published May 31, 2009 in the NY Times. It raises an interesting question. To what extent is it acceptable to use text type language spelling and abbreviations in emails? In about 1995 a former President of Assiniboine College told me that emails were meant to be quick communications in which the sender was not to worry about proofreading them. Misspellings and inaccurate punctuation were acceptable. Well I guess that really did not catch on! But given where things have gone, and as the Gen Yers get more into the mainstream, can we all relax and just use whatever method it takes to get our message across?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

15 travel tips from NYT's Nicholas Kristof

In the May 31, 2009 issue of the NY Times Nicholas Kristof wrote an article entitled "Cum Laude in Evading Bandits", in which he gave 15 tips for travelling to even the roughtest of countries - and back. Some good suggestions even for those of us who don't travel to as exoctic places as he does. I'm not too happy about #14, but I think we've known that the Americans have often pretended to be Canadians over the years. The full article (which also talks of the value of students exploring the worlds beyond the USA) is located at

Here are the travel tips contained within the article:

1. Carry a “decoy wallet,” so that if you are robbed by bandits with large guns, you have something to hand over. I keep $40 in my decoy wallet, along with an old library card and frequent-flier card. (But don’t begrudge the wallet: when my travel buddy was pickpocketed in Peru, we tried to jump the pickpocket, who turned out to be backed by an entire gang ... )

2. Carry cash and your passport where no robber will find it. Assuming that few bandits read this column, I’ll disclose that I carry mine in a pouch that loops onto my belt and tucks under my trousers.

3. Carry a tiny ski lock with a six-foot retractable wire. Use it to lock your backpack to a hotel bed when you’re out, or to the rack of a train car.

4. At night, set a chair against your hotel door so that it will tip over and crash if someone slips in at 4 a.m. And lift the sheet to look for bloodstains on the mattress — meaning bed bugs.

5. When it gets dark, always carry a headlamp in your pocket. I learned that from a friend whose hotel in Damascus lost power. He lacked a light but was able to feel his way up the stairs in the dark, find his room and walk in. A couple of final gropes, and he discovered it wasn’t his room after all. Unfortunately, it was occupied.

6. If you’re a woman held up in an isolated area, stick out your stomach, pat it and signal that you’re pregnant. You might also invest in a cheap wedding band, for imaginary husbands deflect unwanted suitors.

7. Be wary of accepting drinks from anyone. Robbers sometimes use a date rape drug to knock out their victims — in bars, in trains, in homes. If presented with pre-poured drinks, switch them with your host, cheerfully explaining: “This is an American good luck ritual!”

8. Buy a secondhand local cell phone for $20, outfit it with a local SIM card and keep it in your pocket.

9. When you arrive in a new city, don’t take an airport taxi unless you know it is safe. If you do take a cab, choose a scrawny driver and lock ALL the doors — thieves may pull open the doors at a red light and run off with a bag.

10. Don’t wear a nice watch, for that suggests a fat wallet and also makes a target. I learned that lesson on my first trip to the Philippines: a robber with a machete had just encountered a Japanese businessman with a Rolex — who now, alas, has only one hand.

11. Look out for fake cops or crooked ones. If a policeman tries to arrest you, demand to see some ID and use your cell phone to contact a friend.

12. If you are held up by bandits with large guns, shake hands respectfully with each of your persecutors. It’s very important to be polite to people who might kill you. Surprisingly often, child soldiers and other bandits will reciprocate your fake friendliness and settle for some cash rather than everything you possess. I’ve even had thugs warmly exchange addresses with me, after robbing me.

13. Remember that the scariest people aren’t warlords, but drivers. In buses I sometimes use my pack as an airbag; after one crash I was the only passenger not hospitalized.

14. If terrorists finger you, break out singing “O Canada”!

15. Finally, don’t be so cautious that you miss the magic of escaping your comfort zone and mingling with local people and staying in their homes. The risks are minimal compared with the wonders of spending time in a small village. So take a gap year, or volunteer in a village or a slum. And even if everything goes wrong and you are robbed and catch malaria, shrug it off — those are precisely the kinds of authentic interactions with local cultures that, in retrospect, enrich a journey and life itself.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Katherine Fulton's video talk on The Future of Philanthropy

This is a very interesting video talk (12:34 in length) containing some cutting edge concepts in the development of philanthropy. I'd highly recommend it. From the TED website:

Talks Katherine Fulton: You are the future of philanthropy
About this talk. In this uplifting talk, Katherine Fulton sketches the new future of philanthropy -- one where collaboration and innovation allow regular people to do big things, even when money is scarce. Giving five practical examples of crowd-driven philanthropy, she calls for a new generation of citizen leaders.

The talk is at

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Rice: When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal.

Maureen Dowd is a columnist I like to read. In a column entitled "How Character Corrodes" published in the New York Times she reported that Condoleezza Rice plans to go back to being a professor of poli sci at Stanford. A student at a reception there recently told her that he had read that: (as published in the column)

Ms. Rice authorized waterboarding, and he asked her, “Is waterboarding torture?” She replied: “The president instructed us that nothing we would do would be outside of our obligations, legal obligations, under the Convention Against Torture. So that’s — and by the way, I didn’t authorize anything. I conveyed the authorization of the administration to the agency.” This was precisely Condi’s problem. She simply relayed. She never stood up against Cheney and Rummy for either what was morally right or what was smart in terms of our national security. The student pressed again about whether waterboarding was torture.“ By definition, if it was authorized by the president, it did not violate our obligations under the Conventions Against Torture,” Ms. Rice said, almost quoting Nixon’s logic: “When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.”

Wow! First of all I thought the issue of just being the messenger without applying any independent thought was conclusively settled in the Nuremburg trials. Secondly wasn’t the whole point of the Magna Carta to get away from the attitude that leaders can be imperial and omnipotent. I realize that the Magna Carta is part of British constitutional development but the basic principles still apply universally and have found their way into the U.S.A. Constitution. I guess Ms Rice missed the part about the President not being above the law. Maybe she’d say that’s not being above the law, but that the President is the law. Frightening! In another article in the paper there was an op ed piece on legalese. I can tell you I’ve never seen any legalese that could hold a candle to Ms Rice’s, and other politician’s, polispeak.

The full article can be read here: