Monday, March 26, 2012

Paul Krugman's Article re American Legislative Exchange Council

Why haven’t we heard before of this extremism, and why hasn’t something been done about it?  The USA based American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) promotes a hard right agenda which is described by  Paul Krugman as “union-busting; undermining environmental protection; tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy; turning the provision of public services, from schools to prisons, over to for-profit corporations; privatizing government, in which corporations get their profits from taxpayer dollars; encouraging vigilante (in)justice; promoting bills that make it hard for the poor and ethnic minorities to vote; and promoting draconian immigration law“.  This sort of organization is so damaging to the roots of our society!  It is truly disconcerting to see the extent that ALEC is supported by large multinational corporations. You can read Paul Krugman's full editorial here.